With over 20 years of experience in the education sector we have far more to offer than just a year-end/deadline driven service. Everything we do here is personal and completely tailored to support your team in the unique challenges that can crop up in the Education sector. We work as part of a delegated team for Academies, Free Schools, Independent Schools, Infant, Junior and Senior Schools, Pre-Schools/Nurseries, Academies, Trading Subsidiaries, School Pension Schemes and Teaching Schools.
- Accounts
- Audit
- Internal Scrutiny
- EOYC teacher pension audit
- Governance training
- MAT structure
- Roles and responsibilities
- Communication, alignment and effective delegation
- Understanding your financial reporting
- Attendance at the Board meeting
- Finance team support
- Charity tax return services
- Advice and support on trading activities
- Subsidiary advice
- VAT Registration and advice
- VAT Group registration and advice
- VAT return support
- VAT 126 support
- Partial exemption support.
- FD Support Services
- Software & Systems
- Project planning support